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Quantitative Line Dance Survey

The purpose of the survey was to gather information on how line dancers use technology. The personal interviews sought information to long time dancers so they could paint a picture of what line dancing was like in the early days and how it progressed as technology emerged. This survey was intended to allow anyone to provide feedback.  


Questions and Results of 16 Respondents


1. Asked respondents how many years they have been line dancing.


There are a range of people who have been dancing for various amounts of years ranging from new to experienced with many in between. The least experienced respondent has been dancing for less than a year and the most experienced respondent for 35 years.



2. Asked respondents to explain if they took a break from line dancing and returned to it.


Three respondents reported have taken a break and then returned to line dancing. Although I wanted to keep this survey simple and did not want to pry into people’s personal reasons, if conducting this survey again I would be curious to see if technology had anything to do with their return to line dancing.



3. Asked Respondents if they danced regularly.


Two-thirds of respondents dance regularly which is 2-4 times a month for the purpose of this survey.



4. Asked respondents if they practiced line dancing outside of class.


One of the questions asked if they practiced outside of class but I did not ask what method they used to review. This would have been helpful on retrospect.



5. Asked respondents to share how they use technology. I provided what I thought would be standard answers and allowed an opportunity for them to leave comments.


Though I didn’t ask the question linked with #4, 85% of respondents answered that they use the internet to look up step sheets and videos. Also, 42% use the internet to find places to dance when they traveled. Some answers were provided since they are standard forms of using technology but respondents were allowed the opportunity to leave comments; of these one response was they used DVD’s to practice. Others said they do not look up line dances or prefer to go to class to socialize.



6. Asked respondents how comfortable they were with using technology such as Google, YouTube, and smart phones.


87% were comfortable with technology, 6% somewhat comfortable and 6% said they rarely used technology.



7. ​Asked for the respondent’s gender.


87% (14 respondents) were female and 13% (2 respondents) were male.



8. Asked for respondent’s age range:


No respondents were under 20 which is not surprising since Facebook was the primary method of advertising.


  1. 20-29    37%

  2. 30-29    12%

  3. 40-49    25%

  4. 50-59    18%

  5. 60+        6%










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